Saturday 13 March 2010

Numero uno!

Hello sexy,

I am the Lemonade Kangaroo - basically a Kangaroo that makes (and listens to) music, drinks alcohol and loves curry.

The above picture is a link to my latest Ep entitled 'This Is How I God Damn Live Every God Damn Day!' Now, I will be using this blog to show off my own jizz, but I will be mostly showing off things made by humans. Probably mostly music, but who knows!

Fox Attack is a record label I want to set up, if I find out how, have monies and don't have the name stolen from me. It's all good though, I have a lot of ideas all the cocking time, but that's whats with the name.

OK, you get the picture human? Lush. Have a listen to my Ep (preview below), and get your mucky chops round a Thali.

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